Longview Baptist Church in Franklin, NC (828) 524-6836 Sec@LongviewBC.org
God Does Exist!

God Does Exist!

The fact that some people deny the existence of God or even question the existence of God does not negate the reality of His existence.  Rather, it only shows the depravity and lost condition of their hearts.  The Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is...
Jesus Lives!  Now What?

Jesus Lives! Now What?

We recently celebrated the most glorious of holidays in Christ’s resurrection from the grave.  It’s normally called “Easter.”  The fact that “Jesus lives!” was the topic of many conversations, sermons, and Sunday school lessons.  But after all of the excitement of the...
Our Triune God

Our Triune God

The doctrine of the Trinity has been challenged for centuries by those outside the church and, at times, by those within the circle of professing Christianity.  Even after the Council of Nicea (A.D. 325) defined the true church’s stance on this doctrine (and...
He is Risen!

He is Risen!

He is risen!  What an encouraging truth!  As Christians, our hope rests in the reality of a risen Savior.  And though the world questions and even scoffs at the thought of someone rising from the dead, we have the promise of God that it is indeed absolute truth.  The...
Our New Covenant

Our New Covenant

We recently adopted and approved a new covenant for our church family.  Having previously written about church covenants in another blog (read here) I wanted to take a moment to refresh our minds on the importance of possessing and striving to live by the covenant we...