Longview Baptist Church in Franklin, NC (828) 524-6836 Sec@LongviewBC.org
Why Church Membership?

Why Church Membership?

Church membership is something that many have taken for granted over the years.  Or, better stated, it’s something that many Christians have never given much thought to.  They may have walked down the aisle of a local church service, told the pastor they wanted...
I Surrender All

I Surrender All

During some of our past Wednesday night Bible studies we’ve seen from Scripture that the purpose of the church is to glorify God (Ephesians 3:21).  That is why we exist both individually and corporately as the body of Christ.  Every time I think of the reality that...
Placing Our Eyes Upon God

Placing Our Eyes Upon God

We are facing a new year.  Thanksgiving is gone; Christmas celebrations are over; and right before us is 2019.  I’ve told many of you that I feel like the entire year of 2018 has been but a blur.  Again, the holidays have come and gone and we are preparing to enter a...
A Last Will and Testament

A Last Will and Testament

A last will and testament is something we prepare prior to death that instructs one or more persons on how to distribute our property upon our death.  Have you ever wondered what you’re going to leave behind?  You may be thinking, “Everything!”  Yes, that is very...
The King on a Cross

The King on a Cross

The last words of a dying loved one should be very special to us—especially the last words Jesus spoke before His death.  His last words from the cross reveal so much about His person.  And I’m convinced that the more we know about the person and work of Jesus Christ...
Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

Can you believe it’s December already?  It’s that time of year when we pause to reflect on the reality of Christ’s birth into this world.  And while the world will try and dispute the real reason we celebrate, Christians know that it’s all about the birth of Jesus. ...