Longview Baptist Church in Franklin, NC (828) 524-6836 Sec@LongviewBC.org

The fact that some people deny the existence of God or even question the existence of God does not negate the reality of His existence.  Rather, it only shows the depravity and lost condition of their hearts.  The Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1 and 53:1).  There are many theories and human ideas as to who God is and how can we know if He really exists.  Some have even claimed that the idea that there is a God is simply a man-made idea that was conjured up in the human mind because of our psychological weaknesses.

Sigmund Freud, for example, explains the reality of God away by saying that because of man’s deep-seated fears and because we live in a threatening world, man felt the need for some sort of cosmic support to protect him; thus, he invented the idea of God to meet his psychological needs.

Albert Einstein was smart enough to admit that one could not deny the fact that God exists; but He was an unknowable God.  Einstein rationalized that God was some sort of cosmic force who supplied the power of the universe’s existence, but there is no way to know this God personally; we can only experience the results of His existence.

But, I want you to know that Freud and Einstein were both wrong.  And so are all others who deny the reality of a personal God who you can know and communicate with.  God does exist.  He is real.  We didn’t create Him in our image (though many try and do that today); He created us in His image!  (cf Genesis 1:26; 9:6; et al.).

In his book entitled Worship (Moody Press, Chicagao, IL. 1983), Dr. John MacArthur points out several arguments that theologians make for the existence of God.  I’ll list them here along with a brief summary to explain the logic of each argument:

The teleological argument – This is the view that points out if something is completed and perfected it shows evidence of a maker.  In other words, design implies a designer.

– The aesthetic argument – Because there is beauty and truth there must be a standard in the universe on which that beauty and truth is based.

The volitional argument – This view says that because the human creature faces many choices and decisions, and has the ability to make moral and rational decisions, there must be an infinite will somewhere and the world must be the expression of that will.

The moral argument – This view points out that the fact that we know there is a right and wrong suggests the necessity of an absolute standard.

The cosmological argument – This is the argument of cause and effect.  It states the necessity of a Creator for this vast creation because every effect must be traced to a cause.

Much more could be said about the reality of God’s existence.  This is but a brief summary to encourage you and remind you that it is not mindless, thoughtless, or foolish to believe in God.  Many refer to any belief in God as pure ignorance and weakness; that we (especially Christians) are blindly trusting in something or someone that doesn’t exist.  But I want you to know nothing could be further from the truth!!

God is real.  And He has revealed Himself to us through His inspired Word and ultimately through His Son, Jesus Christ.  And we can know the certainty of His existence and have the full assurance of our faith.  (Read Luke 1:4; John 20:30-31; I John 5:13).  The truth is that God has revealed Himself to fallen man and extends a saving knowledge of Himself to everyone who trusts Him by faith.

If anyone comes to you denying the existence of God, don’t let their opinion cause you to waver in your faith.  You can rest assured they do not know Him.  And you can rest assured that there are intelligent answers and evidences of His existence that are greater in proof than the denials of His existence.  Trusting God by faith is not weak and mindless.  Rather, it is God honoring and God pleasing; not to mention trustworthy.

As we continue to face opposition in a world that denies our Savior, let’s ground ourselves in the Word of God so that we can defend our faith against such antagonism.  Defending the faith is one of the many ways we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

By His Grace,

Pastor Johnny