Longview Baptist Church in Franklin, NC (828) 524-6836 Sec@LongviewBC.org

It’s now the 2nd month of the year, aka the “month of love.”  That’s right—Valentine’s Day is upon us.  And as people express their love for that special someone in their lives we, as Christians, should be sure to show our love for God.  Better still, we should meditate on the great love that God has for us!  His love for His people is unconditional.  That means He loves us without restriction.  His love is based on His character and not on our performance.  And for that we should all be grateful.

How do we, as God’s people, express our love for God?  Well in addition to loving each other (I John 4:20-21) and obeying His Word (I John 2:3-5), our love for God is revealed by our desire to know Him more (Psalm 42:1-2).  And how do we know Him more?  By knowing His Word, the Bible.

Many people make a commitment in the first month of a new year to read through God’s Word.  They sometimes get a read-through-the-Bible-plan and earnestly seek to completely read God’s Word in its entirety from Genesis to Revelation.  Sadly, that commitment is sometimes not kept much beyond the second month of the same year!  By God’s grace I wish that every Christian everywhere would make and keep such a vow.

If you haven’t started yet this year it’s not too late.  If you have started and have fallen behind in your scheduled reading plan, let me give you 2 pieces of advice—(1) Don’t panic; (2) Don’t quit!  Just follow the schedule one day at a time.  If you can read 2 or 3 days at a time and get caught up that’s great.  If not, just continuing reading.  If December 31, 2019 rolls around and you are not finished then just keep reading until you do finish.  I can guarantee you that if you will read God’s Word consistently, prayerfully, and in its entirety then you will come away with a deeper understanding of who He is, resulting in closer fellowship with Him.  From my own personal experience I have found this to be true.

So, as you express your love for those dearest to your heart this month (and year) be sure and let the love you have for Christ be made manifest as well.  As a result others will see your love for Him and He will be glorified.  Let’s show the world our love for Christ as together we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

By His Grace,
Pastor Johnny