Longview Baptist Church in Franklin, NC (828) 524-6836 Sec@LongviewBC.org

A last will and testament is something we prepare prior to death that instructs one or more persons on how to distribute our property upon our death.  Have you ever wondered what you’re going to leave behind?  You may be thinking, “Everything!”  Yes, that is very true.  Every one of us came into this world with nothing and will leave with nothing (I Timothy 6:7).  But, in addition to our personal possessions and finances, I wonder what we, as Christians, are leaving behind.  As the living body of Christ we all should be concerned with our living testament even more so than our last will and testament.  The lives we now live are what people are seeing and will remember after we’re gone.

The Bible instructs us to offer our bodies “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).  The question we all must answer is this: Is our lifestyle holy?  Is it acceptable to God?  Our living testimonies are of the utmost importance because that is what the community around us sees and hears.  Let’s be sure and leave behind a testimony that honors and glorifies God when we leave this world.  And keep in mind—the testimony we leave is being written daily with our current lifestyles.  It’s all part of our sanctification as together we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

By His Grace,

Pastor Johnny